“VIA inženjering d.o.o.“ is a leading company for designing line infrastructure facilities and execution of works on construction structures and road facilities (bridges) on state roads. We have specialized in the development of technical documentation intended for the requirements of construction and maintenance of all types of roads and streets, with accompanying infrastructure as well as execution of works.

The Company comprises of the departments for:

  • road design, 
  • traffic signage design, 
  • hydrotechnical structure design, 
  • road structure design,
  • geodetic surveying and road transport informatics,
  • execution of works on construction structures and road facilities (bridges) on state roads.

We own licenses for developing technical documentation intended for structures which require construction permits issued by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, or by an Autonomous Province line authority, as follows:

  • Designs for I and II category state roads and access roads, road structures and border crossings (P131G2),
  • Traffic designs and traffic signage designs for I and II category state roads, roads providing access to them, road structures and border crossings (P131S1),
  • Civil construction designs for road structures (bridges), I and II category state roads and also roads providing access to them, road structures and border crossings (P132G1),
  • Hydrotechnical structures designs  for regulatory works to protect urban areas and rural areas over than 300ha from high water (P080G3),
  • Civil construction designs for structures with a structural span over 50m (P202G1),
  • Execution of works on civil construction designs for road structures (bridges), I and II category state roads and also roads providing access to them, road structures and border crossings (I132G1),
  • Execution of works on civil construction designs for structures with a structural span over 50m (I202G1).

In the areas of project management and supervision of infrastructure facility construction, VIA INŽENJERING D.O.O. has significant experience. 

Beside the designing, we also provide technical control of designs, expert supervision and technical inspection.

We provide consulting services regarding the issuance of construction and occupancy permits for all types of infrastructure facilities.